Thursday 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. with Linda Burek
Meeting Location: Anastasia State Park, 300 Anastasia Park Rd.
Price: $50 + Park Entry ($8 per vehicle)
Difficulty Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Max No People: 10
Anastasia State Park is a great location to see herons, gulls, egrets, ospreys, pelicans, shorebirds, black skimmers, and other birds. The late afternoon/early evening sun will cast a golden light on the subjects. Linda will help participants identify the birds and provide guidance on photographing them.
Suggested Gear List: Any kind of camera will work but the best pictures of birds will require a telephoto lens at 200 mm or longer.
Photographing Birds at Anastasia State Park, THURS 5:00OM
5:00 - 7:00 P.M.