4:00 - 6:00 P.M. with Lisa Langell & Dan Walters
Meeting Location: St. Augustine Lighthouse, 100 Red Cox Dr.
Price: $100
Difficulty Level: All Levels *MUST ATTEND PART 1 TO ATTEND PART 2
Required gear: A smartphone (iOS/iPhone or Android phone)
Physical level: Slow-paced walking up to ¼ mile on paved and unpaved surfaces (grass, sand, etc.) that are flat or have a very slight incline. Frequent stopping/standing for photo opportunities.Max No People: 12
Description: A smartphone camera is an awesome tool! It’s a $500-1500 camera! Lisa (iPhone) and Dan (Android) will team up to teach you simple but powerful techniques that professional photographers use their smartphones to capture beautiful images. You will learn at LEAST a dozen useful techniques as well as several bad habits to avoid in order to make the most of your phone’s camera. Be proud of the images you capture with the camera that is always with you! We will also introduce you to a few in-camera editing tools and apps that will help you make your photos stand out even more.
PART 2: Your Smartphone is an AWESOME camera!, WEDS 4:00PM
4:00 - 6:00 P.M.